“I wish everyone this inspiration!”



“Brilliant pieces of advice and guidance!”


Sacha Rondeau


“... the perfect mix of spiritual teachings and tough love.”


Brittany M.

“I rarely ever read Sabriyé’s articles only once.”


Bridget P.

“It is everyone’s divine destiny to return to Oneness with their own divinity and all that is. This is not just an honor reserved for a selected few. […]

S abriyé helps new paradigm shifters and leaders ready to unlock the frequency of Heaven on Earth take their manifesting skills to the Soul level.

She was led through the Inner Union process as part of her own Twin Soul initiation but then realized the undeniable truth that Inner Union is available to us all and does not depend on a special love connection.

It is everyone’s divine destiny to return to Oneness with their own divinity and all that is. This is not just an honor reserved for a selected few.

The teachings Sabriyé shares concentrate on the fact that the Inner Union or Ascension process is meant to trigger unprocessed collective, personal, and ancestral trauma to help “the self” return to its original state of wholeness. It is through healing these deep subconscious wounds that we recover our true self and prepare the physical body to hold the higher vibrational frequency of the soul, creating as above, so below.

She teaches that until we address this trauma from the past, the subconscious mind attempts to help us heal the unprocessed pain of these experiences by pulling in the people, situations, and experiences that help us re-create the unresolved pain of the original wound, in order to be able to release these often long stuck emotions once and for all.

Because 95% of our reality is created by the subconscious mind, when we carry unresolved pain and trauma in our energy field, this is what we will see reflected back to us in our external reality. Our outer reality is always a reflection of what is going on inside of us, this remains true whether it is created from the wounded ego (fear) or the soul (love) – as within, so without.

The reason why so many people have tried everything else to manifest the life of their dreams but failed is because their ego and soul were not on the same page. The key to unlocking your private version of Paradise is healing this separation between the ego and the soul. It is through this inner union of the higher and lower self, that we create Heaven on Earth from the inside out, instead of endlessly searching for and never quite finding it, in our external circumstances.

Download the Ultimate Guide to Inner Union
(68-pages) to find out more!

Explore what we do

How can we serve you?

It is my honor to walk this path with you and share the teachings I get through.

Ascension work

We live in amazing times and are making a shift from the 3D paradigm.

Soul partnerships

Every relationship is an opportunity to heal and grow. Soul Partnerships take.

Sacred pilgrimages

During our Ascension process we not only need to clear karma with people.

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This is what I was born for ...

As a Divine Rebel, I am here to ignite a Divine Revolution that shifts us
into the new paradigm of love within all layers of existence.

My own healing journey

I chose to end suffering, but this process didn’t happen overnight.

I came onto the path of healing the subconscious quite early in my life, close to three decades ago as a young mother when I had my first child. It was a very traumatic birth, my son almost died, followed by a postnatal depression that made me afraid to be alone.

Now, I understand that the traumatic birth of my son had triggered unresolved trauma from my past but at that moment nobody really understood what was going on with me and even less how to help me.

Not being able to find solutions through my family doctor, I quickly ended up using homeopathy and later Bach Flowers to be able to come back to a place of functioning relatively normal. As I went deeper and deeper into my healing I started to understand where my traumas were coming from and by the end of my first marriage I was seeing healers and therapists regularly.

After my second marriage failed and I had moved back to Amsterdam, I intensified working with healers even more. As I was putting my broken life back together, after some of the worst years ever with my oldest son incarcerated and addicted to drugs, my youngest daughter dying from a rare birth defect shortly after being born and catching husband number two with the same mistress for the second time – healing was an important part of drastically changing my reality experience.

I radically chose while holding my dying daughter in the ICU to eradicate drama from my life completely. After my youngest daughter died due to the complications of her birth defect, I even legally changed my first and last name to draw a line in the sand from that day forward. I gave myself a new canvas, to create the life of my dreams on.

I chose to end suffering, but this process didn’t happen overnight.

I became debt-free and financially independent, after being a single mother on welfare by starting an online business from home. It was also through healing that I broke through the 5-figures and later the 6-figures glass ceiling I was keeping myself caught under, effectively healing my money story.

When I met who I recognized as my Twin Soul in 2014, like many people I thought I had already done a ton of healing and that there couldn’t be that much more left to do. Not knowing what I didn’t know, I thought that because I had been at it for close to two decades by then, there was no way that I still wasn’t done!

I was about to find out how much, unprocessed trauma and unresolved pain I was still carrying in my vibrational field. I thought because I knew that I had been sexually abused as a child, that I had healed it. I thought because I loved my father, that this meant that I had forgiven him. This was of course not true and there were many more things about my past that I didn’t consciously remember because my subconscious mind was hiding them from me in an attempt to protect me.

It took me another seven years of increasingly intense weekly healing sessions with later on multiple healers and therapists, to address what had been left unresolved from my early childhood, my teenage years, adulthood, but also from past lives and what I had chosen to take on from my family lineage. The more I healed, the more I unlocked past life spiritual gifts, innate talents, and healing powers that went as deep as that I had gone into my own healing journey. This made them even more powerful, because of the inner healing work I had done.

By July 2018 my Inner Union process started within the mental body. By the end of 2019, I anchored my soul into the physical body, and by the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021, I came into full inner union with my own soul after further cleaning out the emotional and vibrational body. It was also in 2021 that I started to enter the frequency of Heaven on Earth.

When I started my healing journey close to three decades ago, I had no idea that this is where it would take me. It wasn’t until the last three years that I have started to truly understand the process that I was being led into and how the three elements, Healing the Subconscious, Sacred Relationships, and Inner Union all tie into the one destination, that allows us to enter into Heaven on Earth as our physical reality experience.

It is when I reached this point in my own healing journey, that I realized that Inner Union is available to us all. It doesn’t depend on anyone or anything outside of ourselves. It doesn’t require being activated by special love, we are all meant to come back into Oneness with our own Divinity. Looking back, I can now see that it is through healing the subconscious that I healed the separation between my ego and my soul. It is through healing the wounded ego that we can come into Inner Union with our own Divine Self, which unlocks Heaven on Earth and all that is ours by Divine Right to manifest in our physical reality.

Although it took me close to three decades to figure this all out, my students of the School of Inner Union do not have to go through all the trial and error that I went through. They can simply follow the step-by-step program, bonuses, and resources that I have developed that allow them to hit the ground running in their own Inner Union process. Through my own process and lived experience, I have created a practical 14 step program to the Inner Union and the Ascension process that I offer within the School of Inner Union.

This work is my Soul legacy, to assist all new paradigm shifters and leaders ready to unlock the frequency of Heaven on Earth and take their manifesting skills to the Soul level. We are on the brink of a new era, in which we are asked to reprogram our old fear-based beliefs systems and come back to the vibrational frequency of unconditional love.

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Word on the street …

“This amazing course is a serious shift in mindset. It’s that good!”

— Allison Berry Barbieri,
Director at The Goddard School

“An unforgettable experience that I would recommend to anyone!”

— Emily Generazzo,
Owner & Yoga Teacher at Emily Julia Yoga

“Fearless, and compassionate, Jaishree goes where many fear to go.”

— Jonathan Glass,
M.Ac. Ayurvedic Practitioner

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I look forward to supporting you in your inner union journey and showing you how to unlock the frequency of Heaven on Earth by taking your manifesting powers to the Soul level.

“I wish everyone this inspiration!”


“Brilliant pieces of advice and guidance!”

Sacha Rondeau

“... the perfect mix of spiritual teachings and tough love.”

Brittany M.

“I rarely ever read Sabriyé’s articles only once.”

Bridget P.

Now’s the time to take your manifesting powers to the Soul level